Welcome to SimFly AMA Questions!
How It Works
The SimFly AMA (Ask Me Anything) section is designed to foster engagement and provide a platform for users to ask questions, vote on questions, and get answers from the SimFly core team.
We hope you enjoy using the SimFly AMA section and look forward to your questions and participation!
Tabs Overview
- Vote Questions: This tab displays all the questions submitted by users that are open for voting. Logged-in users can vote for the questions they are most interested in.
- Answered Questions: This tab shows questions that have already been answered by the SimFly team. Users can vote on these answers to push the most popular ones to the top.
- Ask a Question: Here, logged-in users can submit their own questions for the SimFly team to answer.
User Permissions
- Not Logged-In Users:
– Can view questions and answers.
– Cannot vote or submit questions.
- Logged-In Users:
– Can vote on questions to prioritize the ones they want answered first.
– Can submit their own questions for the SimFly team to answer.
– Voting is limited to prevent spam and ensure fair prioritization.
Voting System
- Voting on Questions:
– Voting on unanswered questions pushes them up in priority for the SimFly team to address.
– Once a question is answered, it resets to zero votes and moves to the “Answered Questions” tab. - Voting on Answers:
– Users can vote on answers to highlight the most helpful or popular responses.
– Highly voted answers will appear at the top of the “Answered Questions” tab.
Key Points
- Engage with the community: Submit your questions and vote on others to shape the content and focus of SimFly’s AMA sessions.
– Stay informed: Check the “Answered Questions” tab to see responses from the SimFly team.
– Participate actively: The voting system ensures that the most pressing questions and valuable answers get the visibility they deserve.
Tabs Overview
- Vote Questions: This tab displays all the questions submitted by users that are open for voting. Logged-in users can vote for the questions they are most interested in.
- Answered Questions: This tab shows questions that have already been answered by the SimFly team. Users can vote on these answers to push the most popular ones to the top.
- Ask a Question: Here, logged-in users can submit their own questions for the SimFly team to answer.
User Permissions
- Not Logged-In Users:
– Can view questions and answers.
– Cannot vote or submit questions.
- Logged-In Users:
– Can vote on questions to prioritize the ones they want answered first.
– Can submit their own questions for the SimFly team to answer.
– Voting is limited to prevent spam and ensure fair prioritization.
Voting System
- Voting on Questions:
– Voting on unanswered questions pushes them up in priority for the SimFly team to address.
– Once a question is answered, it resets to zero votes and moves to the “Answered Questions” tab. - Voting on Answers:
– Users can vote on answers to highlight the most helpful or popular responses.
– Highly voted answers will appear at the top of the “Answered Questions” tab.
Key Points
- Engage with the community: Submit your questions and vote on others to shape the content and focus of SimFly’s AMA sessions.
– Stay informed: Check the “Answered Questions” tab to see responses from the SimFly team.
– Participate actively: The voting system ensures that the most pressing questions and valuable answers get the visibility they deserve.
You need to be logged in to ask or vote for questions.
New questions
Answered questions
Answered Questions
Q1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget nibh ante. Aliquam vitae feugiat dolor. Mauris est arcu, dictum sit amet purus at, rhoncus sagittis tortor. Phasellus egestas hendrerit ultricies. Etiam volutpat eget nulla blandit viverra. Nulla eu sodales tortor, ac pharetra... (read more)Q1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget nibh ante. Aliquam vitae feugiat dolor. Mauris est arcu, dictum sit amet purus at, rhoncus sagittis tortor. Phasellus egestas hendrerit ultricies. Etiam volutpat eget nulla blandit viverra. Nulla eu sodales tortor, ac pharetra erat. Nulla euismod gravida orci. Donec quis lacus condimentum, commodo tortor nec, dapibus tellus. Sed dictum, lacus eget mollis sodales, mi nulla blandit justo, ac lacinia ex mauris in nulla. Quisque eget eros id tellus finibus accumsan. Mauris erat risus, faucibus id tincidunt id, cursus vitae ante. Suspendisse lacus leo, lacinia et magna a, pellentesque vulputate arcu. Vivamus finibus vel arcu a luctus. Donec tincidunt mauris ut est semper fermentum.
Nullam ac tincidunt nulla, in viverra lacus. Maecenas pharetra quis dolor sit amet fermentum. Aenean euismod, lacus sed fermentum convallis, odio erat tristique magna, quis ultrices ante eros a elit. Praesent quis nisi tincidunt dui pharetra consectetur id eu est. Suspendisse eget ligula a justo pellentesque molestie. Vivamus ac tempor lacus, sed ultrices ante. Nam sollicitudin eleifend sapien, in imperdiet nisi ultricies eu. Morbi mattis, velit nec faucibus elementum, turpis turpis ultricies orci, non egestas nunc nisl ut turpis.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam posuere molestie ornare. Quisque ac orci interdum, fringilla diam in, faucibus odio. Cras ac nulla ac magna dapibus hendrerit. Etiam dapibus laoreet sollicitudin. Morbi vitae eleifend sem. Vestibulum justo leo, pellentesque vel nibh eu, iaculis accumsan leo. Vestibulum enim elit, fringilla a aliquet et, consectetur et mauris.
Answered by Simfly Market:test
adf (read more)efoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioej
Answered by Roberto:efoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwej... (read more)efoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioejefoiewnfoiehfoiewhjfoiejfioerjfiojfiowjfoiwejfoiwjfoiwoiwfjioewjfioewjfeoijfeiojfioej
Q3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget nibh ante. Aliquam vitae feugiat dolor. Mauris est arcu, dictum sit amet purus at, rhoncus sagittis tortor. Phasellus egestas hendrerit ultricies. Etiam volutpat eget nulla blandit viverra. Nulla eu sodales tortor, ac pharetra... (read more)Q3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget nibh ante. Aliquam vitae feugiat dolor. Mauris est arcu, dictum sit amet purus at, rhoncus sagittis tortor. Phasellus egestas hendrerit ultricies. Etiam volutpat eget nulla blandit viverra. Nulla eu sodales tortor, ac pharetra erat. Nulla euismod gravida orci. Donec quis lacus condimentum, commodo tortor nec, dapibus tellus. Sed dictum, lacus eget mollis sodales, mi nulla blandit justo, ac lacinia ex mauris in nulla. Quisque eget eros id tellus finibus accumsan. Mauris erat risus, faucibus id tincidunt id, cursus vitae ante. Suspendisse lacus leo, lacinia et magna a, pellentesque vulputate arcu. Vivamus finibus vel arcu a luctus. Donec tincidunt mauris ut est semper fermentum.
Nullam ac tincidunt nulla, in viverra lacus. Maecenas pharetra quis dolor sit amet fermentum. Aenean euismod, lacus sed fermentum convallis, odio erat tristique magna, quis ultrices ante eros a elit. Praesent quis nisi tincidunt dui pharetra consectetur id eu est. Suspendisse eget ligula a justo pellentesque molestie. Vivamus ac tempor lacus, sed ultrices ante. Nam sollicitudin eleifend sapien, in imperdiet nisi ultricies eu. Morbi mattis, velit nec faucibus elementum, turpis turpis ultricies orci, non egestas nunc nisl ut turpis.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam posuere molestie ornare. Quisque ac orci interdum, fringilla diam in, faucibus odio. Cras ac nulla ac magna dapibus hendrerit. Etiam dapibus laoreet sollicitudin. Morbi vitae eleifend sem. Vestibulum justo leo, pellentesque vel nibh eu, iaculis accumsan leo. Vestibulum enim elit, fringilla a aliquet et, consectetur et mauris.
Answered by Roberto:afsdgadsfgadfsgadsfg
Ask a Question
Before asking a question, please check:
- That your question isn't already asked in the "Vote questions" tab.
- That your question isn't already replied in the "Answered questions" tab.
Very important:
- Be precise and accurate in your question.
- Do not post bugs or problems here (for that use the support form).
- Do not ask for new functionalities (for that we will soon have a new form).
You can post more questions today and more questions this week.
NOTE: You have reached your question limit.
Answer the question